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CLI Overview

This section describes the commands available in dbt-osmosis.

YAML Management

These commands are used to manage the YAML files in your dbt project. Please read the YAML configuration section to understand the minimum required configuration to use these commands.


This command will document your dbt project YAML files. Specifically it will:

  • Reorder columns in your YAML files to match the order of the columns in your database
  • Add columns to your YAML files that are present in your database
  • Remove columns from your YAML files that are missing from your database
  • Pass down column level documentation from upstream models to downstream models (if the downstream model does not have documentation for that column)
dbt-osmosis yaml document [--project-dir] [--profiles-dir] [--target]


This command will organize your dbt project YAML files. Specifically it will:

  • Bootstrap sources if they do not exist based on the dbt-osmosis var in your dbt_project.yml file.
  • Migrate your YAML files based on the dbt-osmosis config (ideally) set in your dbt_project.yml file.
  • Ensures that your project matches a declarative specification (i.e. your YAML files are in the correct location and have the correct name).
dbt-osmosis yaml organize [--project-dir] [--profiles-dir] [--target]


This command will refactor your dbt project YAML files. Specifically it will:

  • Bootstrap sources if they do not exist based on the dbt-osmosis var in your dbt_project.yml file.
  • Migrate your YAML files based on the dbt-osmosis config (ideally) set in your dbt_project.yml file.
  • Ensures that your project matches a declarative specification (i.e. your YAML files are in the correct location and have the correct name).
  • Reorder columns in your YAML files to match the order of the columns in your database
  • Add columns to your YAML files that are present in your database
  • Remove columns from your YAML files that are missing from your database
  • Pass down column level documentation from upstream models to downstream models (if the downstream model does not have documentation for that column)

This command is a combination of the document and organize commands run in the correct order.

dbt-osmosis yaml refactor [--project-dir] [--profiles-dir] [--target]


dbt-osmosis ships with a server that can be used to drive 3rd party tools. This server is a zero dependency WSGI server powered by bottle. It provides high performance endpoints that leverage the plumbing in dbt-osmosis to provide a fast and reliable API. The server is "multi-tenant" in that it can serve multiple dbt projects at once. The server is not intended to be run on a public facing network. dbt-osmosis is essentially providing a thin CLI wrapper over dbt-core-interface where the server is actually implemented.


This command will start the dbt-osmosis server. The server will be available at http://localhost:8581 by default.

dbt-osmosis server serve [--host] [--port]

Register Project

This command will register a dbt project with the dbt-osmosis server.

dbt-osmosis server register-project --project-path /path/to/dbt/project

Unregister Project

This command will unregister a dbt project with the dbt-osmosis server.

dbt-osmosis server unregister-project --project-path /path/to/dbt/project


These commands provide two unique and interesting ways to interact with dbt models. Both of these commands support stdin as an input source. This allows you to pipe a SQL query into the command or cat a dbt model into the command.


This command will run a dbt model and return the results as a JSON object. This command is useful for testing dbt models in a REPL environment.

dbt-osmosis sql run [--project-dir] [--profiles-dir] [--target] "select * from {{ ref('my_model') }}"


This command will compile a dbt model and return the results as a JSON object. This command is useful for testing dbt models in a REPL environment.

dbt-osmosis sql compile [--project-dir] [--profiles-dir] [--target] "select * from {{ ref('my_model') }}"


This command starts a streamlit workbench. The workbench is a REPL environment that allows you to run dbt models, provides realtime side by side compilation, and lets you explore the results.

dbt-osmosis workbench [--project-dir] [--profiles-dir] [--target] [--host] [--port]


This command will diff a dbt model across git commits. This command is useful for understanding how a model has changed over time. Currently this feature is under development. 🚧